Kruptos 2 Professional

Welcome to Kruptos 2 Professionals help for your Mac. Lets get started...

Your Kruptos 2 Professional library stores all your files in convenient folders so you can organise, secure and view your private files quickly and securely. To see how to fully setup and get the best out of your library click here

Removing files from your Library does not delete the asscoiated file from your hard disk. If you would like to remove a file from your hard disk choose the Shred option.

IMPORTANT: To preserve any changes made to your file (after editing), you must Quit the App that opened your file (typically ⌘Q). If you do not quit the editing App and close Kruptos 2, any changes made to the file will be lost.

How does this work? Kruptos 2 makes a copy of your encrypted file to a temporary file location, the copy is then decrypted (with your library password), then opened with the owning App. Kruptos 2 will then wait in the background… When you have finished editing and quit the App, Kruptos will wake up, encrypt the file (with your library password) make some validation checks, then finally copy the encrypted file back to the original location. All temporary files are shredded.

If you do not quit the App then Kruptos 2 is will not be informed that you have finished, therefore your changes will be lost.

To cancel your search, click the Cancel (x) button on the search bar.

If you would like to encrypt your files with a different password you need to change your passwords settings. Click the Settings on the tool bar, click Password settings then choose I use multiple passwords. Now when you perform any security related task, you will be asked for a password.

If you would like to Decrypt your files with a different password you need to change your passwords settings. Click the Settings on the tool bar, click Password settings then choose I use multiple passwords. Now when you perform any security related task, you will be asked for a password.

WARNING Shredding will permanently delete your files from your Mac. You will not be able to retrieve these files using undelete tools. Please make sure this is what you want to do before you continue using Shred

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